Over the last 10 years, the practice of crazy focus on a problem for a solid day with no distractions has resulted in the following innovations in building services:-

  1. How to certify vent-less kitchen equipment in Australia. This has resulted in over 4000 installations across Australia and over 90 European & US products that would otherwise be unable to be imported into Australia.
  2. Constant tuning algorithms for commercial building energy use. This has resulted in the ability to propose tuning adjustments much faster than the monthly meetings proposed in Green Star criteria.
  3. Revised theories for air movement in car parks. This has resulted in tremendous capital cost and energy savings for owners and subcontractors.
  4. Curved face kitchen exhaust hoods. This has resulted in the design of street-level kitchen exhaust odour control systems. We have a curved face hood destined for the Australian Antarctica base for installation.
  5. Fire choke. This is a system that is to be certified that will allow the merger of solid fuel and non-solid fuel kitchen exhaust air streams. Watch this space, as the company involved in moving this design towards commercialisation.
  6. Playbook & Far-çade. Playbook and Far-cade are both quick modeling programs we have developed that can assist developers and designers in determining sizing, comfort, and energy outcomes to assessing HVAC (Playbook) and Façade (Far-cade). Far-cade is about “far-sighted” façade design – LCA, comfort and sizing, environmental and economic costs.

There are 5 or 6 others we could list, but this list gives you a flavour of the sort of problems within building services I am talking about.

If you have that thing that really annoys you (you know, “why hasn’t someone solved this problem before?”), let us know via admin@seedengineers.com and we will schedule it for March Hackathon.


We are going to take our more popular CPD programs, convert them to ever-green webinars, and attach them to our CPD program. CPD certificates will be generated and issued to you if you satisfy the 80% pass mark in the online exams. The invitations will come out through the SEED ACADEMY Facebook page.

If you are a bit short of CPD points, then please undertake the CPD – it is relatively low cost and streamlined to be time-efficient.


There are some exciting building services challenges on our books this year. Unintentionally, it seems the theme this year is “working with nature”. We have a few projects where we are using natural ventilation to work beside air-conditioning for thermal comfort and also beside fans to provide car park ventilation. We now have a kitchen ventilation project where the strength of the natural ventilation is a challenge.

Don’t be a stranger, if you want to catch up for coffee or chat, & share what’s happening in your neck of the woods, please give us a call.