For certifiers, we have the following list of educational presentations that you may be interested in:
Sector Topic
Climate How to bring climate resilience to your next project.
Energy Section J NCC 2019 – changes are coming. What opportunities and challenges does the new code bring?
HVAC Kitchen Ventilation – how to manage odours and fire risk. Is NCC Compliance enough to prevent complaint?
HVAC Performance approaches to carpark ventilation. How to, what to look for, and why not?
Compliance How to create façade strategy without modelling.
Wet Fire The basics of wet fire services and what it means for other trades.
The typical presentation last for an hour and comprises 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions.
These presentations are prepared specifically to educate our potential clients and to raise awareness of concepts. One of our strengths is the diversity of design experiences in our leaders. By sharing the lessons learnt and the science behind these experiences, we hope to improve outcomes for future projects.
Read about claiming CPD here.
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