Palladium Tower

SEED was engaged in this project to model a proposed design for the adequate and efficient discharge ventilation of an eight-storey carpark. The proposed design deviated from DTS requirements by having below minimum exhaust separation distances to building openings as set out in the Australian Standards. To compensate for this, the design ensures that the discharge is soundly engineered.
Client: Ellis Air Climate Control
Work Type: New-Build Design, Design For Sub Contractors, Performance Approach
Sector: Residential
Size: $90,000,000
Disciplines Engaged: Mechanical
The Challenges Faced
There was an insufficient source of documented carbon monoxide concentrations in the atmosphere, other than in EPA and Scientific Journals from overseas. These may vary slightly depending on time, day, and location.
The Solution Provided
To achieve compliance, SEED followed the guidelines set out in the relevant Australian Standard for mechanical ventilation in buildings. These guidelines state that where large, relatively clean or high velocity discharges are soundly engineered, separation distances that are less than those specified in the Standard my be acceptable, provided that the engineered discharges do not significantly pollute* the outdoor air with carbon monoxide.

SEED was then successfully able to model the discharged carbon monoxide for the proposed design and verify that the design achieves compliance, even in worst-case scenarios.